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GPS Equipment Outfitters (GEO) has been providing advice about high precision GNSS products since 2003. We have helped public and private organizations by supplying the right type of equipment for many different activities

Phone: (408) 710.4295

High Precision Positioning

Our products use GNSS satellite transmissions to accurately locate land resources.


Our systems use Real Time Kinematics, RTK , a technique that can greatly improve positioning accuracy by resolving ambiguities on the fly in real time to provide reliable results for any application. RTK enhancements allow signal corrections to be made in real time to provide the most accurate positioning available for any application.


These technology advances can increase productivity for professionals in land surveying and other disciplines that require accuracy.  RTK allows for greater speed and accuracy in data collection and in the mapping of roads and structures for businesses and municipalities . Please contact us for more information about your specific application.

High Precision GNSS Navigation Solutions


  • GNSS Receiver

  • OEM Boards

  • GNSS Antennas

  • Attitude Systems


High Precision GNSS Navigation (HPGN)  solutions use the available GNSS Satellite systems as provided for commercial use to enable precise land navigation and precise geographic targeting.  HPGN solutions improve the accuracy of air navigation and aids in naval and marine positioning. Our Solutions can track climate and geological changes and assist in monitoring the structural integrity of buildings, dams or other man-made structures. HPGN can also track the timing and the velocity of moving man-made or geographic objects.

High Precision GNSS Surveying Solutions


  • Post Processed GNSS Surveying Solutions

  • Real-time GNSS Surveying Solutions


High precision Surveying Solutions use the available GNSS Satellite systems for commercial use to enable businesses to accurately locate company resources, assets and inventory geographically. Construction uses can include locating property lines and roads for land mapping.



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  • GPS Equipment Outfitters
    Coarsegold, California

    GPS Equipment Outfitters proudly sells repairs and services GPS Solution Systems for businesses all over the United States. Contact us for more information.

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